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Supply Chain Updates

T.News July 7

By July 7th, 2023No Comments7 min read

Canadian Port Worker Strike Causes Disruption in Supply Chain

In the latest development regarding the Canadian west coast ports dockworkers strike, negotiations have collapsed between the unions and employers. Over 7,000 dockworkers in British Columbia, including those at the main gateway ports of Vancouver and Prince Rupert, initiated the strike, expecting significant disruptions to Canada’s supply chain and beyond. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada (ILWU Canada) and the BC Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA) failed to reach an agreement since the expiration of their contract in March. The BCMEA accused ILWU Canada of entrenching their positions, while the union urged the BCMEA to return to the negotiating table for a fair and stable agreement.

The strike’s repercussions extend beyond Canadian importers and exporters, with potential consequences felt in Asia and the United States. The automobile, container, breakbulk, and project cargo business sectors are particularly at risk. Container xChange warned that the strike could cause delays, congestion, and inefficiencies in the movement of cargo, impacting various industries and businesses reliant on a smooth supply chain. The Port of Vancouver and Prince Rupert, crucial gateways for Canada’s foreign trade, handle a substantial portion of the country’s imports and exports. With numerous vessels present and scheduled to arrive, the strike’s impact could have far-reaching effects on international trade.

Record Container Ship Deliveries in June Impact Market Dynamics

In June, the container shipping industry witnessed a record-breaking delivery of 285,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) of new containership capacity. Although lower than initial expectations, the surge in deliveries resulted from the influx of orders placed during the container shipping boom of 2021-22. Challenges such as labor shortages in Asian shipyards and a sluggish cargo market led to delayed deliveries. To provide context, this capacity nearly matches the fleet size of Pacific International Lines (PIL), the 12th largest container line globally. Notably, the world’s largest container line, MSC, contributed over one-third of the June deliveries, adding 111,474 TEU to its rapidly expanding fleet.

The impact of this extraordinary volume of containership deliveries extends to the market dynamics. The increasing number of deliveries in June is expected to continue in the coming months, with an orderbook currently standing at 7.6 million TEU, accounting for approximately 28% of the existing fleet. This trend holds significance for importers and exporters, as it signifies a substantial increase in shipping capacity, potentially influencing freight rates, port congestion, and overall supply chain efficiency.

Contract Talks Break Down Between UPS and Teamsters, Augmenting Strike Possibility

Contract negotiations between the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and UPS reached an impasse early Wednesday morning, heightening the likelihood of a strike commencing on August 1 at the largest transportation company in the United States. Both sides blamed each other for walking away from the negotiating table, with the Teamsters rejecting UPS’s latest proposal on wages and benefits. The Teamsters’ General President, Sean M. O’Brien, criticized UPS for refusing to meet the demands of American workers. UPS, however, maintained that they had presented a generous offer and urged the union to resume negotiations. While the specific sticking points remain undisclosed, businesses reliant on UPS services are preparing for potential disruptions and seeking alternative shipping solutions in anticipation of the strike.

With shippers closely monitoring the situation, the possibility of a strike by UPS’s 340,000 workers has prompted concerns and prompted businesses to explore alternative capacity options. The softness of the US economy and declining parcel and freight volumes may facilitate the search for alternatives to UPS. Despite the remaining time before the current contract expires on July 31, the urgency to reach a tentative agreement and conduct a vote is increasing. UPS highlighted the significance of continued negotiations, emphasizing the potential negative impact on employees, customers, and the US economy if a resolution is not reached promptly. Ultimately, only UPS’s non-union competitors stand to gain from the actions taken by the Teamsters.

Fluctuating Rhine River Water Levels Pose Challenges for Shipping and Energy Supply

The Rhine River, Europe’s vital waterway, is facing recurring disruptions due to extreme water fluctuations caused by unpredictable weather patterns. Prolonged heavy rainfall, dry conditions leading to drought, and melting glaciers in the Alps contribute to the challenges faced by industries relying on river transportation. Ongoing drought and heatwaves have significantly reduced water levels on crucial barge routes, including the Rhine River stretch from Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp through Germany to Switzerland. The low water levels disrupt cargo shipping and manufacturing along parts of the river, impacting companies in sectors such as petrochemicals, minerals, steelmaking, and agriculture.

The consequences extend beyond shipping, affecting energy supply as well. Falling river levels have disrupted coal shipments to power plants in Germany, warning of irregular production and potential reductions. Nuclear power plants in France have already experienced disruptions, while higher water temperatures and low levels raise concerns for power plants along the Rhine. As a result, manufacturers are preparing for potential production cuts, considering rail and truck transport alternatives. However, this may lead to delays, bottlenecks, and increased prices. Air freight operations are also affected, as fuel transportation to airports is reduced. The historical decline in Rhine River water levels poses an ongoing threat to shipping, with both low and high levels disrupting operations and raising questions about the feasibility of continued shipping on the Rhine.

Panama Canal Implements Draft Restrictions Amid Drought Conditions

The Panama Canal is facing a drought-induced water shortage, prompting the canal authority to maintain restrictions on shippers throughout the year. The water levels at the main lake have dropped to a four-year low, causing a backlog of ships waiting to transit. The canal authority aims to keep draft restrictions no lower than 44 feet for large ships, requiring some vessels to lighten their loads. To maintain the minimum draft, the number of daily transits has been limited. The restrictions have led to longer wait times and a priority system for booked and unbooked ships. The canal authority is exploring ways to boost water supply, including finding new sources outside its jurisdiction.

Maersk Vessel Alters Route Due to Weather Conditions

Maersk, a Danish carrier, has announced that adverse weather conditions are expected to cause a delay for the Polaris service vessel, Nicolai Maersk, en route to Melbourne. As a result, the port of Auckland will be omitted from its itinerary. This decision aims to minimize schedule disruptions and facilitate a smooth recovery. For affected cargo, alternative arrangements have been made. Exports originally intended for Nicolai Maersk 327E will be redirected to Maersk Rubicon 327N for direct discharge in Auckland, while exports for Nicolai Maersk 328W have various routing options based on their destinations, including transshipment at Sydney or loading onto Trieste Trader 330W for Nelson and Timaru.
